Arctic Winter School 2020 has successfully completed its work in Yakutsk, Russia. It was held at the North-Eastern Federal University, Yakutsk, Russia from February 25 to March 7, 2020 and was co-organized by the Northern Forum international organization.

Northern Arctic Federal University (Arkhangelsk, North-West Russia) is pleased to announce the II International PhD School “Russia in the Arctic Dialogue: Local and Global Context” to be held on 13-20 June, 2020 as a side event of the X International Congress of Arctic Social Sciences (ICASS Х)

Finland has said that the next iteration of its Arctic policy will take a long-term perspective on the region by pushing for economic development that does not capitalize on the effects of global warming, strengthening the Arctic Council and other institutions and linking its strategy for the region to its national goal of be...

An open seminar on Indigenous Education will discuss educational contexts of indigenous people in Greenland, Canada and Australia. The second part of the seminar includes the launch of the international book Indigenous postgraduate education: Intercultural perspectives. 

The Fulbright Arctic Initiative will bring together professionals, practitioners, and researchers from the United States, Canada, the Kingdom of Denmark including Greenland and the Faroe Islands, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Russia, and Sweden for group seminars and an individual Fulbright exchange to address key research and po...

The Future of the Arctic Human Population: Migration in the North Conference takes place in Rovaniemi, Finland on 28–29 May 2020. This will be the first ever conference on (im)migration in the cap of the north that is a part of series of activities of UArctic Thematic network on Arctic Migration.

UArctic Congress Youth Panel

Mon, Feb 24, 2020
What would you do if you were in charge? The Arctic Youth Network has partnered with the UArctic Congress 2020 to bring together a panel to participate in a plenary session on youth: how youth see the future of the Arctic, what they think should be done, and how they would do it were they in a position of power.