The Organizing Committee regrets to announce that the Arctic Days in St. Petersburg–2020: International Scientific Cooperation in the Arctic in the Era on Climate Change planned for May 13­–14, 2020, have been postponed due to the rapidly changing situation around COVID-19 pandemic.

Korea Polar Research Institute (KOPRI) is inviting the Asian Arctic research community to participate in its 2020 Arctic expedition. The cruise for the 2020 field season will be conducted aboard IBRV Araon, and consist of four legs covering different areas of the Arctic Ocean.

The ASSW2020 Online full Calendar, Meeting List, and overview have been updated! The updated Science for a Sustainable Arctic and Arctic Observing Summit programs will be posted soon.

University of Oulu published a new Gender Equality and Diversity action plan—a GEP for years 2019–2022, which is the seventh in order. The first one was drafted already in 1997. The brochure recaps the current tasks of the gender equality work at the university and it is published today—the national Day of Equality, March 19th.

From kindergartens to universities, schools across the Arctic are going virtual to slow the spread of the corona virus, or Covid-19. [Originally published at High North News]. UArctic will be working with its members and partners to help identify additional learning resources to support the increased need for online teaching.

The Arctic Five universities had their fifth workshop about Joint Masters Course on the Arctic Inclusive Pedagogy on 24-25 February in Umeå, Sweden. The project group has now visited all the Arctic Five universities.