On February 7, a delegation of the Consulate General of the Kingdom of Norway arrived at the Kola Science Senter on an official visit. The Consul General of the Kingdom of Norway in Murmansk, Mr. Erik Svedahl, arrived accompanied by Consul Mrs. Torunn Hasler, public relations coordinator Maria Salikova, and economic and busin...

Travel funding via IASSA and APECS is available for early career researchers in Arctic social sciences, Indigenous Arctic experts of all backgrounds and career stages, and scholars from remote Arctic communities. The 10th International Congress for Arctic Social Sciences is organized June 15-19, 2020 in Arkhangelsk, Russia.

The international summer school “Arctic Law” aimed at students and young practitioners seeking a deeper understanding of the Arctic issues and their international and national regulation is to be held on July 12-18, 2020 at the Northern (Arctic) Federal University, Arkhangelsk, Russia.

The Arctic Circle Secretariat is now accepting proposals for Sessions at the 2020 Arctic Circle Assembly to be held October 8-11, 2020, in Reykjavík, Iceland. Submissions will be accepted until May 1, 2020.

The Future of the Arctic Human Population: Migration in the North Conference takes place in Rovaniemi, Finland on 28–29 May 2020. This will be the first ever conference on (im)migration in the cap of the north that is a part of series of activities of UArctic Thematic network on Arctic Migration.

UArctic Thematic Network on Arctic Sustainable Arts and Design (ASAD) will continue the collaboration with Arctic Arts Summit (AAS). The next AAS will be held in Canada in summer 2021.

The Arctic Policies and Strategies Scientific Report will be launched on February 17, 2020. The report highlights new and emerging policy trends in the Arctic, a region on the front lines of climate change, pollution, international trade, geopolitics, and global governance.

The 2nd International Workshop on Sustainable Tourism Development in the Nordic Arctic was hosted in Northern Iceland, 18-22 March 2019, by Polar Research and Policy Initiative (PRPI) and University of Southern Denmark (SDU), with the support of Nordregio, the Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science, UArctic and other...