After a long wait, which included a pandemic, the Norwegian Scientific Academy for Polar Research (NVP) could finally again invite students to the NVP International Summer School in Longyearbyeb on 17–26 June.

At Arctic Frontiers 2023 Moving North, there will be seven science themes, covering a wide range of topics in physical and social sciences. The call-for-abstracts is now open with a deadline on September 26.

The EU-H2020 funded INTERACT (International Network for Terrestrial Research and Monitoring in the Arctic) opens a call for research groups to apply for Transnational Access and Remote Access to 39 (TA) and 26 (RA) research stations.

The British Council Scotland SGSAH EARTH Scholarships is a programme run by SGSAH with funding from the British Council to enable international research collaborations between PhD and Early Career Researchers and Scottish HEIs and Scotland-based academic mentors, and external organisations, thematically focused on environment...

A new call for pre-proposals on Nordic University Cooperation is open. The call is open to all themes and disciplines, and the call deadline is 2 November 2022.