The Arctic Research Consortium of the U.S. (ARCUS) invites applications for their Early Career Conference Funding Award. This award supports U.S.-based, early career researchers and students to participate in meetings and events relevant to Arctic research, since 2020.

I can call myself as an alumnus of two Calotte Academies (years 2017 and 2021), and it is extremely interesting to find out how I grew over these four years in my Arctic studies and research.

Due to a lack of registrations, the Aug 17 Meet UArctic session has been cancelled. We will announce another date soon for the fall.

The UArctic Thematic Network on Arctic Law and the UArctic Chair in Arctic Legal Research and Education are pleased to announce the call for papers for the 10th Volume of the Current Developments in Arctic Law (2022). The Volume of the CDAL will include a special theme – Arctic governance: crafting a new normal?