The Magna Charta Observatory is inviting signatory universities to join in with the project by undertaking reflexive research into their successes and failures with a view to the findings assisting other MCU signatories to reflect on their practices and adapt and reform where necessary.

Arctic Snow School 2023

Tue, Dec 20, 2022
The school will be held April 1-8, 2023 at the Canadian High Arctic Research Station in Ikaluktutiak (Cambridge Bay), Nunavut.

The GLOBAL INDIGENOUS YOUTH SUMMIT ON CLIMATE CHANGE (GIYSCC) is being convened by, for and among Indigenous youth (in contrast to Elders), who will participate in designing the agenda and invite the participants from three 8-hour time zones, in a 24-hour period, on 9th August 2023 (United Nations International Day of the Wor...

University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) doctoral student Sarah Clement requests input via a survey on research scientists' experiences leading or working on community and citizen science projects in the Arctic and sub-Arctic.