The Arctic Council's Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP) has released five new assessments at the 2017 International Conference on Arctic Science: Bringing Knowledge to Action, which takes place April 25-27, 2017 in Reston, Virginia, USA.

Data company ÜberResearch and the UArctic Science & Research Analytics Task Force today released a report analyzing global funding trends in Arctic research: International Arctic Research: Analyzing Global Funding Trends. A Pilot Report (2017 Update).

Travel grants are available for early career scholars to participate in the Arctic-FROST meeting and the workshop on Community Sustainability in the Arctic: What sustainability theories and practices work and what fail in Arctic Communities? Organized in Narsaq, Greenland, Sept 13-17, 2017.

The National Science Foundation (NSF) released a Prospective New Awardee Guide that went into effect in January 2017. The new guide is available online in PDF format.

EU-PolarNet and a group of 50 polar experts and stakeholders are working together to develop a set of polar white papers. These white papers will provide a state of the art for a range of societal relevant polar issues and outline possible approaches on how to address these. They now invite you to contribute to this process.

The international summer school 2017, July 31 – August 5 2017 will have a multi- and cross-disciplinary thematic approach to meet challenges and opportunities related to governance of the Arctic Ocean’s marginal ice zone. Scientists and experts from Norway and abroad will contribute to the summer school with lectures and with...

The project “Teacher Education for Diversity and Equality in the Arctic” was approved as a new SDWG project in February 2017. Finland, Canada, Norway and Russia will co-lead the project, and its activities will be coordinated by the members of the UArctic Thematic Network on Teacher Education for Social Justice and Diversity...