The film "Nakatuenita: Respect" provides a sweep of the Innu history and cultural practices along with the many changes and challenges they have faced while protecting their relationship with the land. The documentary is now available online, and it can also be used as a teaching resource.

Advanced Grants are designed to support excellent Principal Investigators at the career stage at which they are already established research leaders with a recognised track record of research achievements. Applicant Principal Investigators must demonstrate the ground-breaking nature, ambition and feasibility of their scientif...

The lead of the UArctic Thematic Network on Arctic Sustainable Arts and Desing (ASAD) Timo Jokela, has received the Edwin Ziegfeld Award in honour of his work as a reformer in art and design education.

The first working day of the Arctic Science Summit Week 2019, May 22, began with meetings of working groups covering five important areas of scientific activities: issues related to changes in atmosphere, cryosphere, hydrosphere and terrestrial ecosystems of the Arctic, as well as human life and activities in the Arctic.

Memorial University of Newfoundland's Dr. Trevor Bell and the SmartICE team have been recognized with a Governor General’s Innovation Award for their groundbreaking work on climate change adaptation.