Сознавая тот факт, что мировая пандемия COVID-19 все еще агрессивно распространяется, оргкомитет принял решение еще больше отложить запланированный международный симпозиум по пластикам в Арктике и Субарктике до 2-4 марта 2021 года. Место проведения конференции остается неизменным: Hilton Reykjavik Nordica Hotel Reykjavik, Исл...

The Fulbright Arctic Initiative brings together professionals, practitioners, and researchers from the 8 Arctic Council member states for a series of three seminar meetings and a Fulbright exchange experience to address key research and policy questions related to creating a secure and sustainable Arctic. The third round of t...

Our partners the International Arctic Science Committee (IASC), has published a statement on Tackling Racism and Sysetmic Bias. IASC “is committed to ensuring that the opportunities provided through its internal and external processes, activities and events are delivered in ways that support participation regardless of nation...

The One Health project is led by the Sustainable Development Working Group (SDWG) of the Arctic Council and now is in its third Chairmanship cycle under the leadership of the United States, Canada, and Finland. The One Arctic, One Health Fact Sheet is now published.