The UArctic Board has formally approved Diane Hirshberg (University of Alaska Anchorage) as Vice-President Academic and Kirsi Latola (University of Oulu) as Vice-President Networks. Additionally, current UArctic Vice-President Research Arja Rautio (University of Oulu) was named as chair of the new Academic Advisory Board.

German travellers, explorers, missionaries and scholars produced significant new knowledge about the Arctic in Europe and elsewhere from the 17th until the 19th century. However, until now, no English-language study or collective volume has been dedicated to their representations of the Arctic.

Across the world, soils are impacted by disturbances caused by trampling of large animals and us, humans, as well as by the weight of our vehicles. Polar tundra ecosystems face these same pressures, as tundra is occupied by large grazers, such as reindeer and musk ox, but also experiences ever increasing human activities. Sti...