We welcome proposals for sessions to be held during the UArctic Congress hosted by Lomonosov Moscow State University on October 4 – 7, 2022, Moscow, Russia. Sessions can be comprised of oral and/or poster presentations, as well as panel or round table discussions. The deadline for session proposals is November 15, 2021.

The PEEX Arctic-Boreal Hub newsletter #18 September is now available. In this issue, find news on recent Arctic research publications, educational platforms, coming events and research visits among the PEEX community.

The EU-H2020 funded INTERACT (International Network for Terrestrial Research and Monitoring in the Arctic) opens a call for research groups to apply for Transnational Access and Remote Access to 47 (TA) and 30 (RA) research stations.

The Northern (Arctic) Federal University (NArFU), in cooperation with the UArctic Thematic Network on Model Arctic Council, will host a Model Arctic Council (MAC) from May 22 to 28, 2022 in Arkhangelsk, Russia for university students interested in Arctic and circumpolar affairs; Indigenous issues; international relations; and...

The publication "The Promise of Higher Education: Essays in Honour of 70 Years of IAU" is a collection of short essays which takes the interested reader on a tour across the global higher education landscape. The publication also contains an article on UArctic's history by Outi Snellman.

The Mon Projet Nordique / My Northern Project competition is a unique opportunity for the leaders of tomorrow to connect with their peers, network with potential career mentors and join in the international dialogue on key issues affecting the future of the Arctic.

At Home in the North is a research partnership within a Canada-wide collaboration of academics and community partners: The Collaborative Housing Research Network. The network is a joint initiative between the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC).