The ASSW 2025 will include the Fourth International Conference on Arctic Research Planning (ICARP IV) Summit organised from 25 - 28 March 2025 in Boulder, Colorado (USA), with the theme “Arctic Research Planning for the Next Decade”. 

The international and interdisciplinary conference “The Arctic in Eastern and Central Europe: Knowledge, Perception and Communication in 17th -19th century” organised by the Junior Full Professor Joanna Kodzik of the Malaurie Institute of Arctic Research Monaco-UVSQ and the department of German Studies at Nicolaus Copernicus...

The 2024 issue of our annual Shared Voices magazine has just been published online and in print. This year the contributors introduce us to collaborative initiatives from British Columbia to the Himalayas, share how and why they work for the benefit of the Arctic and the world, and bring us new perspectives from their areas o...