Nor-Shipping is the largest shipping fair in the world with 50,000 participants joining this year. The 29th conference kicked off at Oslo City Hall, and then hosted almost 1000 exhibitors and tens of thousands of guests in Lillestrøm for the rest of the week. The conference held seminars, diplomatic visitors, networking, and social events at the intersection of the ocean industry and business opportunity.

This year was the first time the organizers also hosted a common Ocean Campus pavilion for all universities present at the fair.

On June 10, the 1st Ocean Campus Conference was hosted for students to present their research and for education programs to present their research and curricula. UArctic President Lars Kullerud presented on the work of UArctic and Kjell Stokvik, the Lead of the Thematic Network on Arctic Transport and Logistics, participated in a panel discussion on greener maritime and ocean industries.