The International Semester will take place during the winter and spring of 2009. It will cover the following topics.
- Constructing light and passively
- Biogenic waste, exploitation and disposal
- Renewable and accessible energy 

Please visit this link for more information:

If you are interested and have the time then we would like to invite you to Sisimiut, Greenland for a couple of weeks between the end of February and the end of May 2009. The invitation covers costs of travel and accommodation. Unfortunately we cannot provide any honoraria. Once we start receiving feedback from potential visiting lecturers we will begin to develop the curriculum in detail.

Maybe you want to use the opportunity and take part in the international conference Cold Climate HVAC 2009, hosted by ARTEK and held 16–19 March in Sisimiut. To find out more about the conference, please visit this link:

Morten Holtegaard Nielsen


Morten Holtegaard Nielsen
Associate Professor, MSc, PhD
Arctic Technology Centre
Department of Civil Engineering
Technical University of Denmark
Kemitorvet, Building 204
DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby
Phone : +45 4525 2263