Aarhus University

Aarhus University profile 4

Aarhus University was established in 1928 as a small private initiative. It has since grown to become a leading public research university with international reach covering the entire research spectrum. The university offers unique opportunities to conduct research in an environment that promotes creativity and autonomy, and where interdisciplinary collaboration is a natural part of all research activities.

Aarhus University's research is widely acknowledged within the international research community. During the last decade, the university has consolidated its position as one of the world's top-ranked universities with a very high research impact and several research areas belonging to the absolute world elite.

One of Aarhus University's focus areas is talent development. This is an activity considered so important that it is singled out as one of the four core activities in the Aarhus University strategy alongside excellent research, world-class education and inspiring research-based consultancy. As an example of our commitment to talent development, more than half of the university's students are enrolled at postgraduate level, and the university consistently focuses on recruiting talented international students and early career researchers. In recent years Aarhus University has doubled enrolments on its doctoral programmes and is home to around 2,000 PhDs and 1,000 early career researchers. International collaboration is an integrated part of all activities at Aarhus University. We have a long-standing tradition of partnering with some of the world’s best research institutions and university networks. The university has seen a considerable rise in the level of international mobility among researchers and students – a trend we are committed to supporting and which we would like to see continuing.

Exchange Program Fact Sheet

Facts and figures

Web http://www.au.dk/en/
Year Established 1928
Total Number of Staff 7500
Number of Academic Staff 4400
Number of Students 44500
Focus Areas

Talent development
Knowledge exchange

Web link for international students http://www.au.dk/en/exchange/welcome/
Fields of Study Offered Teacher training and education science (broad programmes)
Arts (broad programmes)
Humanities (broad programmes)
Social and behavioural science (broad programmes)
Journalism and information (broad programmes)
Business and administration (broad programmes)
Law (broad programmes)
Life science (broad programmes)
Physical science (broad programmes)
Mathematics and statistics (broad programmes)
Computing (broad programmes)
Engineering and engineering trades (broad programmes)
Health (broad programmes)
Environmental protection (broad programmes)